Advanced Analog Clock 7 Description
Easy to read the current time analog clock. Also you can add amy kinds of information to the top and bottom indicators.
Kind information for indicators:
* Seconds;
* Am/Pm;
* Digital clock;
* Date;
* Month;
* Day of the week;
* Year.
You can select an action by tap on an app widget for each:
* Do nothing;
* Time to speech;
* Open this app;
* Open actual Alarm app;
* Open inbuilt Alarm app.
There are four fixed sizes for an app widget: from tiny to big.
* Select kind of font and bold style;
* Choose secondary color for text and a second hand;
* Set transparent dial;
* Fullscreen mode with keep screen on.
Additional features for Android 12+:
* Show a second hand;
* Choose primary color for dial and hands;
* Choose color for background of a dial.
Kind information for indicators:
* Seconds;
* Am/Pm;
* Digital clock;
* Date;
* Month;
* Day of the week;
* Year.
You can select an action by tap on an app widget for each:
* Do nothing;
* Time to speech;
* Open this app;
* Open actual Alarm app;
* Open inbuilt Alarm app.
There are four fixed sizes for an app widget: from tiny to big.
* Select kind of font and bold style;
* Choose secondary color for text and a second hand;
* Set transparent dial;
* Fullscreen mode with keep screen on.
Additional features for Android 12+:
* Show a second hand;
* Choose primary color for dial and hands;
* Choose color for background of a dial.
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