حكم الصلاة في السيارة Description
It is not permissible to perform the obligatory prayer on a mount and the like in a car unless there is an excuse. Jabir bin Abdullah - may God be pleased with him - reported: (The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to pray on his camel towards the east, so if he wanted to pray for the repentance alighted, so he faced the qiblah), and Ibn The invalid is the consensus on that; Because one of the conditions of the obligatory prayer is to face the qiblah, and to settle in all of it. As for the passenger, he will be in breach of these conditions, and it is not permissible for him to pray at that time. It is required in the obligatory prayer to receive the qiblah, and it is not permissible to pray in a direction other than its direction except in the case of severe fear, as it is not valid from the walking or the passenger; due to the imbalance of the condition of standing up in prayer at that time, and the condition of facing the qiblah as well.
The jurists have clarified the excuses that allow prayer on the mount or the car, in the case of intense fear; Such as fear for oneself or money from an enemy or seven, or fear of being cut off from companionship, or being harmed by rain, so it is permissible to pray in these cases the obligatory prayer in the car or on the mount, and it is by gesture only without bowing or prostrating, and it came from Ibn Qudamah that if Fear intensifies, so the worshiper tries to face the qiblah if he is able to do so, and if he is not able to, then to another, and if he is not able to bow and prostrate, then he gestures for prostration more than bowing, and it is waived for him to stand and sit if he is unable to do so, because of the Almighty’s saying: (If you fear, then on foot or riding), and he went The public believes that the prayer imposed on the departed is valid if the worshiper is able to receive the qiblah, settle in all of it, and fulfill its conditions and pillars. The ability to pray in it facing the qiblah.
The jurists have clarified the excuses that allow prayer on the mount or the car, in the case of intense fear; Such as fear for oneself or money from an enemy or seven, or fear of being cut off from companionship, or being harmed by rain, so it is permissible to pray in these cases the obligatory prayer in the car or on the mount, and it is by gesture only without bowing or prostrating, and it came from Ibn Qudamah that if Fear intensifies, so the worshiper tries to face the qiblah if he is able to do so, and if he is not able to, then to another, and if he is not able to bow and prostrate, then he gestures for prostration more than bowing, and it is waived for him to stand and sit if he is unable to do so, because of the Almighty’s saying: (If you fear, then on foot or riding), and he went The public believes that the prayer imposed on the departed is valid if the worshiper is able to receive the qiblah, settle in all of it, and fulfill its conditions and pillars. The ability to pray in it facing the qiblah.
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