Art Password Generator Description
Generate strong and unique passwords for different sites with no need to remember. Remember only one master-password! Passwords are not stored anywhere, they are generated every time. But they depend on your master-password and the domain. The same combination of password+domain always give you the same password.
Instead of domain you can use any word, login or even a combination of domain+login if you have two or more logins on some service. All passwords will be different.
If some service demands you to change your beloved password, for example 'Passw0rd' (very weak, by the way), you can just add some number to it. Your Passw0rd becomes Passw0rd1, but the generated password will be completely different!
Just try it, and you'll love it! :)
This application is a complement to Firefox extension:
Instead of domain you can use any word, login or even a combination of domain+login if you have two or more logins on some service. All passwords will be different.
If some service demands you to change your beloved password, for example 'Passw0rd' (very weak, by the way), you can just add some number to it. Your Passw0rd becomes Passw0rd1, but the generated password will be completely different!
Just try it, and you'll love it! :)
This application is a complement to Firefox extension:
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