Bacaan Sholat 5 Waktu Description
Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah S.W.T. Finally, PonPon Media has successfully completed the Complete 5 Time Prayer Readings application. This application contains guidance and reading of the intentions for the five daily fardhu prayers and sunnah prayers. As a follower of Islam, you must understand the reading of the 5 daily prayers so that you can be more devout in drawing closer to Allah SWT.
The reading of the 5 daily fardhu prayers must be known by all Muslims. Every Muslim and Muslim woman throughout the world is ordered to perform the obligatory prayers 5 times a day, namely dawn, noon, asr, maghrib and isha. The command to pray the 5 daily fardhu prayers came down to Rasulullah SAW during the Isra' Mi'raj event.
The command to pray 5 times a day is also stated in the Koran, Surah Al Baqarah, verse 43, which means: "And establish prayer, pay zakat, and bow with those who bow."
The 5 times Fardhu prayer is one of the pillars of Islam that Muslims must perform. The obligation to pray five times a day has been narrated in the hadith of Ibn Abbas, radhiyallahu anhu, which reads:
“That's the Prophet SAW. has sent Muadz R.A. to Yemen, then he said to him, Invite them (the people of Yemen) to testify that there is no god but Allah and truly I am the messenger of Allah, if they obey, then tell them that Allah has made it mandatory for them five prayers a day and night," HR . Al-Bukhari.
Because the 5 daily obligatory prayers are obligatory, Muslims must always perform this prayer. Of course, before doing it, you must first know the prayer readings, intentions and procedures for the 5 daily prayers in full and their meanings.
Muslims recognize prayer as a pillar of religion. Because in the afterlife prayer will be the first practice that will be counted or taken into account. Followers of the Islamic religion have 5 obligatory prayers that are performed every day. Apart from that, there are also other sunnah prayers, which help to perfect.
As is known, there are pillars of prayer which are divided into two types, namely pillars of fi'li (actions) and pillars of qauli (speech). The 5 daily prayer readings in this presentation include qauli in it. This application for reading the 5 daily prayers and their meanings is summarized from various sources, so Muslims should understand them so they can be more solemn.
Table of Contents of the Application Complete 5 Time Prayer Readings:
- Indonesian call to prayer
- Morning Adhan
- Prayer after the call to prayer
- Iqomah
- Prayer for the intention of ablution
- Prayer After Wudhu
- Procedures for Wudhu
- Shubuh prayer
- Midday prayer
- Asr prayer
- Maghrib prayer
- Isha prayer'
- Friday prayers
- Prayer and Dhikr after prayer
- Tahajud prayer
- Prayer of Repentance
- Istisqa' prayer
- Hajat prayer
- Duha prayer
- Eid prayers
- Eid Al-Adha Prayer
- Tahiyatul Mosque Prayer
- Tarawih prayer
- Witr prayer
- Funeral Prayer
- Unseen Prayers
- Rawatib Prayer
- Istiqoroh prayer
- Eclipse Prayer
- Tasbih Prayer
- Mutlaq Sunnah Prayers
- Sunnah Prayers After Wudhu
Features of the 5 Times Prayer Reading Application:
- Offline Application Without Internet Connection
- Light and fast application
- Application can be downloaded for FREE
- Attractive design, simple and easy to use
- Share feature
- Page Zoom Feature (By Wiping the Smartphone Screen)
- Block, Copy and Paste features (Copy - Paste)
- Arabic Text / Clear Arabic Text with Indonesian Translation
This Complete 5 Time Prayer Readings application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application.
Hopefully this Complete 5 Times Prayer Readings application is useful for all of us and enjoy using the Complete 5 Times Prayer Readings application from your respective devices. Thank You.
The reading of the 5 daily fardhu prayers must be known by all Muslims. Every Muslim and Muslim woman throughout the world is ordered to perform the obligatory prayers 5 times a day, namely dawn, noon, asr, maghrib and isha. The command to pray the 5 daily fardhu prayers came down to Rasulullah SAW during the Isra' Mi'raj event.
The command to pray 5 times a day is also stated in the Koran, Surah Al Baqarah, verse 43, which means: "And establish prayer, pay zakat, and bow with those who bow."
The 5 times Fardhu prayer is one of the pillars of Islam that Muslims must perform. The obligation to pray five times a day has been narrated in the hadith of Ibn Abbas, radhiyallahu anhu, which reads:
“That's the Prophet SAW. has sent Muadz R.A. to Yemen, then he said to him, Invite them (the people of Yemen) to testify that there is no god but Allah and truly I am the messenger of Allah, if they obey, then tell them that Allah has made it mandatory for them five prayers a day and night," HR . Al-Bukhari.
Because the 5 daily obligatory prayers are obligatory, Muslims must always perform this prayer. Of course, before doing it, you must first know the prayer readings, intentions and procedures for the 5 daily prayers in full and their meanings.
Muslims recognize prayer as a pillar of religion. Because in the afterlife prayer will be the first practice that will be counted or taken into account. Followers of the Islamic religion have 5 obligatory prayers that are performed every day. Apart from that, there are also other sunnah prayers, which help to perfect.
As is known, there are pillars of prayer which are divided into two types, namely pillars of fi'li (actions) and pillars of qauli (speech). The 5 daily prayer readings in this presentation include qauli in it. This application for reading the 5 daily prayers and their meanings is summarized from various sources, so Muslims should understand them so they can be more solemn.
Table of Contents of the Application Complete 5 Time Prayer Readings:
- Indonesian call to prayer
- Morning Adhan
- Prayer after the call to prayer
- Iqomah
- Prayer for the intention of ablution
- Prayer After Wudhu
- Procedures for Wudhu
- Shubuh prayer
- Midday prayer
- Asr prayer
- Maghrib prayer
- Isha prayer'
- Friday prayers
- Prayer and Dhikr after prayer
- Tahajud prayer
- Prayer of Repentance
- Istisqa' prayer
- Hajat prayer
- Duha prayer
- Eid prayers
- Eid Al-Adha Prayer
- Tahiyatul Mosque Prayer
- Tarawih prayer
- Witr prayer
- Funeral Prayer
- Unseen Prayers
- Rawatib Prayer
- Istiqoroh prayer
- Eclipse Prayer
- Tasbih Prayer
- Mutlaq Sunnah Prayers
- Sunnah Prayers After Wudhu
Features of the 5 Times Prayer Reading Application:
- Offline Application Without Internet Connection
- Light and fast application
- Application can be downloaded for FREE
- Attractive design, simple and easy to use
- Share feature
- Page Zoom Feature (By Wiping the Smartphone Screen)
- Block, Copy and Paste features (Copy - Paste)
- Arabic Text / Clear Arabic Text with Indonesian Translation
This Complete 5 Time Prayer Readings application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application.
Hopefully this Complete 5 Times Prayer Readings application is useful for all of us and enjoy using the Complete 5 Times Prayer Readings application from your respective devices. Thank You.
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