Budiaya Tomat Buah Description
Tomatoes are plants that can grow anywhere. Tomato plants can grow well in the highlands (more than 700 masl), medium plains (200-700 masl), and lowlands (less than 200 masl). For good growth, tomatoes need loose soil, pH acidity, among others 5-6, the soil contains little sand and lots of humus, and regular and sufficient irrigation. The ideal temperature and good effect on the color of tomatoes is between 24-28 degrees Celsius which are generally red evenly. High temperature and humidity conditions have a negative effect on the growth, production and quality of tomatoes. The relative humidity required for tomato plants is 80%. Tomato plants require an intensity of sunlight around 10-12 hours each day. The following are the steps that need to be taken when cultivating tomato plants.
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