Câmera Discreta - Gravação Description
Discreet Camera is an Android app for recording videos in the background with the front or back camera, even when the phone is locked or in use. It provides direct buttons to start and stop recording, as well as an optional donate button.
Some key features include:
Camera Choice: Quickly select between rear or front camera to record.
Background service: Recording is done by an Android service, allowing you to use other device features while filming.
Simple interface: It has only four buttons (Back, Front, Stop, Help Developer), making it easy to use.
Permissions example: Implements the request for permissions (Camera, Microphone, Storage) at runtime.
Donation option: A button that displays a PIX key for anyone who wishes to support the development.
Some key features include:
Camera Choice: Quickly select between rear or front camera to record.
Background service: Recording is done by an Android service, allowing you to use other device features while filming.
Simple interface: It has only four buttons (Back, Front, Stop, Help Developer), making it easy to use.
Permissions example: Implements the request for permissions (Camera, Microphone, Storage) at runtime.
Donation option: A button that displays a PIX key for anyone who wishes to support the development.
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