COLMASTER Description
COLMASTER - Accounting On Line
The app allows for on-line consultation of individual consumption to users of real estate units that are part of condominiums served by centralized heating systems with accounting of consumption for heating systems, domestic hot water and cold water.
Using the app is free and is reserved exclusively for users of condos that have entrusted the management of the system of service companies that offer accounting services "cloud" provided by the portal COLMASTER (*).
And required to register in order to proceed with the login.
Through the app you can:
- Monitor the progress of your consumption during the season (ATTENTION: the data update frequency depends on the type of system installed and the contractual conditions stipulated by the service company operating the same system)
- Analyze and compare your historical consumption of past seasons
- Monitor the overall consumption of your condo and consult the history of past seasons
- Consult and download any time you want your distribution boards
- Through the "Economy Tools" function, consumption forecasts simulating temperature changes and the environments use to help you understand how and how much to save
- Download the instructions for reading and interpretation of the data shown on the display allocators installed within your property unit.
- Download documents and guides that help you better manage your facility
- Manage any requests for intervention in case of problems or malfunction messages on your accounting system
- If you have more housing units in your responsibility, you can use the app to manage them all with a single login (provided that all are entitled services "cloud" of COLMASTER through the same service company)
The service works with the following types of accounting system:
Indirect metering: allocators
Direct metering: Heat meters, volumetric flow meter health and cold hot water
Check with your service company installed the system compatibility of accounting and availability of services "cloud" offered by COLMASTER portal.
(*) COLMASTER is an online portal that offers services of "cloud-computing" to service companies that manage the accounting systems of individual consumption in centralized heating systems
The app allows for on-line consultation of individual consumption to users of real estate units that are part of condominiums served by centralized heating systems with accounting of consumption for heating systems, domestic hot water and cold water.
Using the app is free and is reserved exclusively for users of condos that have entrusted the management of the system of service companies that offer accounting services "cloud" provided by the portal COLMASTER (*).
And required to register in order to proceed with the login.
Through the app you can:
- Monitor the progress of your consumption during the season (ATTENTION: the data update frequency depends on the type of system installed and the contractual conditions stipulated by the service company operating the same system)
- Analyze and compare your historical consumption of past seasons
- Monitor the overall consumption of your condo and consult the history of past seasons
- Consult and download any time you want your distribution boards
- Through the "Economy Tools" function, consumption forecasts simulating temperature changes and the environments use to help you understand how and how much to save
- Download the instructions for reading and interpretation of the data shown on the display allocators installed within your property unit.
- Download documents and guides that help you better manage your facility
- Manage any requests for intervention in case of problems or malfunction messages on your accounting system
- If you have more housing units in your responsibility, you can use the app to manage them all with a single login (provided that all are entitled services "cloud" of COLMASTER through the same service company)
The service works with the following types of accounting system:
Indirect metering: allocators
Direct metering: Heat meters, volumetric flow meter health and cold hot water
Check with your service company installed the system compatibility of accounting and availability of services "cloud" offered by COLMASTER portal.
(*) COLMASTER is an online portal that offers services of "cloud-computing" to service companies that manage the accounting systems of individual consumption in centralized heating systems
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