شاكرات الطاقة والتأمل Description
Chakras energy and meditation
Is the app you need to meditate, make meditation a habit and get ready to relax and meditate with meditation Activate the chakras, the chakras are the openings for the flow of our life energy in and out of our aura, using the chakras to meditate regularly will help maintain balance and achieve balance in your life, the balanced and activated chakras vibrate at a high frequency, and you will feel balanced Emotional, confidence in your thoughts, feelings and physical health.
The function of our chakras is to energize our physical bodies and help us develop our self-awareness. Chakra meditation helps you achieve balance, alignment, and activation of the chakras. Meditation creates the perfect environment for contemplation or resting in pleasure. .
Feel free to download the Chakras Energy & Meditation app........
Chakras energy and meditation app contains focus and connection with yourself
# Contents of Energy and Meditation Chakras Application:
● Definition of chakras
● What are the seven chakras?
● Root Chakra (Mooladhara)
● Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
● Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
● Heart Chakra (Anahata)
● Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
● Third Eye Chakra (ajna)
● crown chakra (sahasrara)
● Chakras in Eastern Traditions
● Energy flow
● Videos about chakras
# Features of the Energy and Meditation Chakras application:
Some of the benefits of meditation are that it improves your focus and productivity, you rest more deeply, control your anger, learn how to deal with depression, and improve your self-esteem, self-acceptance, well-being, and vital balance.
- In the application, you will find what helps you feel more comfortable in dealing with the challenges that come your way in life.
# No opinion:
This Energy Chakras and Meditation was created for the benefit of, and the data entered into the application was collected from public sources without violating any property rights of any of the authors and shared due to its beauty and uniqueness.
If you have any rights on any of the pages, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to accommodate you and remove any content that we may have violated your ownership terms!
We are always happy and proud of what you have to offer, and we love to present our content to you.
Reward you and all the best
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Is the app you need to meditate, make meditation a habit and get ready to relax and meditate with meditation Activate the chakras, the chakras are the openings for the flow of our life energy in and out of our aura, using the chakras to meditate regularly will help maintain balance and achieve balance in your life, the balanced and activated chakras vibrate at a high frequency, and you will feel balanced Emotional, confidence in your thoughts, feelings and physical health.
The function of our chakras is to energize our physical bodies and help us develop our self-awareness. Chakra meditation helps you achieve balance, alignment, and activation of the chakras. Meditation creates the perfect environment for contemplation or resting in pleasure. .
Feel free to download the Chakras Energy & Meditation app........
Chakras energy and meditation app contains focus and connection with yourself
# Contents of Energy and Meditation Chakras Application:
● Definition of chakras
● What are the seven chakras?
● Root Chakra (Mooladhara)
● Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
● Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
● Heart Chakra (Anahata)
● Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
● Third Eye Chakra (ajna)
● crown chakra (sahasrara)
● Chakras in Eastern Traditions
● Energy flow
● Videos about chakras
# Features of the Energy and Meditation Chakras application:
Some of the benefits of meditation are that it improves your focus and productivity, you rest more deeply, control your anger, learn how to deal with depression, and improve your self-esteem, self-acceptance, well-being, and vital balance.
- In the application, you will find what helps you feel more comfortable in dealing with the challenges that come your way in life.
# No opinion:
This Energy Chakras and Meditation was created for the benefit of, and the data entered into the application was collected from public sources without violating any property rights of any of the authors and shared due to its beauty and uniqueness.
If you have any rights on any of the pages, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to accommodate you and remove any content that we may have violated your ownership terms!
We are always happy and proud of what you have to offer, and we love to present our content to you.
Reward you and all the best
Don't forget to rate the app *****
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