퍼밋 스마트팜 Description
- However, remote control for each linked house and automatic control function according to sensors
- Up to 96 environmental measurement devices can be connected
- Environmental sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2, dew point, VPD, solar radiation), soil sensor (temperature and humidity), external weather station, growth observation camera, and CCTV can be connected.
- Sensor data and graphs can be checked by period
- Notification function can be set (temperature, humidity)
- Up to 96 environmental measurement devices can be connected
- Environmental sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2, dew point, VPD, solar radiation), soil sensor (temperature and humidity), external weather station, growth observation camera, and CCTV can be connected.
- Sensor data and graphs can be checked by period
- Notification function can be set (temperature, humidity)
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