الباعث الحثيث شرح علوم الحديث Description
Al-Baath Al-Hathith Explanation of Hadith Sciences is an Android application that contains an important and useful book for all Muslims in the field of the term Sharif Hadith
Among the important topics in this field:
Modern Encyclopedia Al-Durar Al-Saniyyah
Modern Health Encyclopedia without Net
Modern Comprehensive Encyclopedia
The modern term for the Uthaymeen
The term Hadith Urdu explained
The term Hadith of Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of the term Hadith of Ibn Uthaymeen
Hadith Sciences and its terminology
Hadith Sciences by Ibn al-Salah
Explanation of Riyadh al-Salihin by Imam al-Nawawi without the net
Explanation of Riyad al-Salihin Nawawi
Explanation of Riyad al-Salihin by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Muslim Ghulam Rasool Saidi
Explanation of Sahih Muslim by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim without Net
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim without a voice net
Sahih Bukhari complete
True dhikr Sheikh Al-Albani without the net
True dhikr and business virtues
A series of authentic hadiths by Al-Albani
Series of weak and fabricated hadiths of Albani
Sunan al-Tirmidhi with explanation
Sunan al-Tirmidhi audio
Sunan Abu Dawud is complete
Sunan al-Nasa'i
The six books of authenticity without the net
The nine books with explanation without the net
Al-Durar Al-Sunni, the Hadith Encyclopedia
Sunni pearls of conversations
Content of the book
An edition of the relentless motive with the commentary of Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani
Ibn Katheer divided the book into two parts after the introduction.
the introduction
In the introduction came an explanation of the importance of the science of hadith, and how the imams took care of it. It stated:
The relentless motive explained the brevity of the hadith sciences, and since the book that the sheikh, the imam, the scholar, Abu Amr ibn al-Salah - may God bless him with his mercy - was one of the famous works on that among the students for this matter, and perhaps some of the skilled young men were concerned with memorizing it: I walked behind him, and I followed his shoes, I shortened what Unroll it, and organize what's too much. Sixty-five types of hadith were mentioned, and al-Hakim followed Abu Abdullah al-Hafiz al-Nisaburi, the sheikh of hadith scholars.
And I, with God’s help, mention all of that, along with what I add to it of the benefits gleaned from the book of the great hafiz Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi, called “The Introduction to the Book of Sunnahs.” And God and it Altklan.
Types of talk
Then he mentioned a chapter on the types of hadith, and under it he mentioned 65 titles, as follows:
correct talk.
Good talk.
Weak talk.
The predicate hadith.
connected talk.
raised speech.
suspended talk.
Cut off talk.
Sent speech.
Interrupted talk.
dilemma talk.
Messed up talk.
offbeat talk.
The reprehensible hadith.
Considerations, follow-up and evidence.
increased confidence.
Reasonable talk.
disturbed speech.
Listed talk.
topic talk.
Knowing the fabricated subject matter.
Inverted talk.
Identification of whose narration is accepted and whose narration is not, and a statement of the wound and modification.
How to hear and bear the hadeeth.
In the description of the hadeeth narration.
In the etiquette of the updated.
In the etiquette of a modern student.
Knowledge of high and low attribution.
Know the famous.
Knowing the stranger and the dear.
Strange knowledge of modern words.
Serial knowledge.
Knowledge of the abrogated and abrogated hadith.
Knowing the exact wording of the hadeeth, its text and isnad, and avoiding editing it.
Knowledge of various hadith.
Learn more in the evidence.
Know the hidden from the messengers.
Knowledge of the Companions.
Knowledge of affiliates.
Knowing the elders from the younger ones.
tanned knowledge.
Knowing the brothers and sisters of the narrators.
Knowledge of the fathers' story about the children.
Knowing the children's story about the fathers.
Knowledge of the previous and subsequent novel.
Knowing who did not narrate from him except one of my companions, followers and others.
Find out who has multiple names.
Knowledge of singular nouns and kunyas of which there is no other letter in each letter.
Knowledge of names and surnames.
Find out who is famous by name without the nickname.
Know the surnames.
Knowing the recombinant from the different, and similar names and genealogies.
Knowledge of the agreed and separated from the names and genealogies.
A type that combines the two types before it.
In another category than the above.
Knowledge of those attributed to other than their parents.
In proportions that are contrary to their appearance.
To know the vague names of men and women.
Knowing the narrators' deaths, their births, and their age.
Knowing the reliable and weak narrators and others.
Find out who mixed up at the end of his life.
Knowledge of classes.
Knowledge of the loyalists of narrators and scholars.
Knowledge of the homelands of the narrators and their countries.
Issues in modern science
The most correct evidence.
The first to collect authentic hadith.
The number of what is in the Sahihs of Hadith.
Correct increases.
Talk about hadith books.
Correct commentaries.
The validity of the attribution does not necessarily imply the validity of the hadeeth.
Narrating weak hadiths.
Of unknown justice, outwardly and inwardly, his narration from the public is not accepted.
Innovator's novel.
The repentant novel of lying.
A question between lying and error in the novel.
Do you accept the narration of someone who takes a fee for updating?
Question in wound and modification phrases.
Among the important topics in this field:
Modern Encyclopedia Al-Durar Al-Saniyyah
Modern Health Encyclopedia without Net
Modern Comprehensive Encyclopedia
The modern term for the Uthaymeen
The term Hadith Urdu explained
The term Hadith of Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of the term Hadith of Ibn Uthaymeen
Hadith Sciences and its terminology
Hadith Sciences by Ibn al-Salah
Explanation of Riyadh al-Salihin by Imam al-Nawawi without the net
Explanation of Riyad al-Salihin Nawawi
Explanation of Riyad al-Salihin by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Muslim Ghulam Rasool Saidi
Explanation of Sahih Muslim by Ibn Uthaymeen
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim without Net
Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim without a voice net
Sahih Bukhari complete
True dhikr Sheikh Al-Albani without the net
True dhikr and business virtues
A series of authentic hadiths by Al-Albani
Series of weak and fabricated hadiths of Albani
Sunan al-Tirmidhi with explanation
Sunan al-Tirmidhi audio
Sunan Abu Dawud is complete
Sunan al-Nasa'i
The six books of authenticity without the net
The nine books with explanation without the net
Al-Durar Al-Sunni, the Hadith Encyclopedia
Sunni pearls of conversations
Content of the book
An edition of the relentless motive with the commentary of Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani
Ibn Katheer divided the book into two parts after the introduction.
the introduction
In the introduction came an explanation of the importance of the science of hadith, and how the imams took care of it. It stated:
The relentless motive explained the brevity of the hadith sciences, and since the book that the sheikh, the imam, the scholar, Abu Amr ibn al-Salah - may God bless him with his mercy - was one of the famous works on that among the students for this matter, and perhaps some of the skilled young men were concerned with memorizing it: I walked behind him, and I followed his shoes, I shortened what Unroll it, and organize what's too much. Sixty-five types of hadith were mentioned, and al-Hakim followed Abu Abdullah al-Hafiz al-Nisaburi, the sheikh of hadith scholars.
And I, with God’s help, mention all of that, along with what I add to it of the benefits gleaned from the book of the great hafiz Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi, called “The Introduction to the Book of Sunnahs.” And God and it Altklan.
Types of talk
Then he mentioned a chapter on the types of hadith, and under it he mentioned 65 titles, as follows:
correct talk.
Good talk.
Weak talk.
The predicate hadith.
connected talk.
raised speech.
suspended talk.
Cut off talk.
Sent speech.
Interrupted talk.
dilemma talk.
Messed up talk.
offbeat talk.
The reprehensible hadith.
Considerations, follow-up and evidence.
increased confidence.
Reasonable talk.
disturbed speech.
Listed talk.
topic talk.
Knowing the fabricated subject matter.
Inverted talk.
Identification of whose narration is accepted and whose narration is not, and a statement of the wound and modification.
How to hear and bear the hadeeth.
In the description of the hadeeth narration.
In the etiquette of the updated.
In the etiquette of a modern student.
Knowledge of high and low attribution.
Know the famous.
Knowing the stranger and the dear.
Strange knowledge of modern words.
Serial knowledge.
Knowledge of the abrogated and abrogated hadith.
Knowing the exact wording of the hadeeth, its text and isnad, and avoiding editing it.
Knowledge of various hadith.
Learn more in the evidence.
Know the hidden from the messengers.
Knowledge of the Companions.
Knowledge of affiliates.
Knowing the elders from the younger ones.
tanned knowledge.
Knowing the brothers and sisters of the narrators.
Knowledge of the fathers' story about the children.
Knowing the children's story about the fathers.
Knowledge of the previous and subsequent novel.
Knowing who did not narrate from him except one of my companions, followers and others.
Find out who has multiple names.
Knowledge of singular nouns and kunyas of which there is no other letter in each letter.
Knowledge of names and surnames.
Find out who is famous by name without the nickname.
Know the surnames.
Knowing the recombinant from the different, and similar names and genealogies.
Knowledge of the agreed and separated from the names and genealogies.
A type that combines the two types before it.
In another category than the above.
Knowledge of those attributed to other than their parents.
In proportions that are contrary to their appearance.
To know the vague names of men and women.
Knowing the narrators' deaths, their births, and their age.
Knowing the reliable and weak narrators and others.
Find out who mixed up at the end of his life.
Knowledge of classes.
Knowledge of the loyalists of narrators and scholars.
Knowledge of the homelands of the narrators and their countries.
Issues in modern science
The most correct evidence.
The first to collect authentic hadith.
The number of what is in the Sahihs of Hadith.
Correct increases.
Talk about hadith books.
Correct commentaries.
The validity of the attribution does not necessarily imply the validity of the hadeeth.
Narrating weak hadiths.
Of unknown justice, outwardly and inwardly, his narration from the public is not accepted.
Innovator's novel.
The repentant novel of lying.
A question between lying and error in the novel.
Do you accept the narration of someone who takes a fee for updating?
Question in wound and modification phrases.
Open up