ቡሉገል መራም ክፍል ሶስት Description
This application contains the Hadith textbook known as Bulugul Meram in an easy-to-understand Amharic language, complete with the complete lesson from 157 to 231, i.e. the third part.
You can find the next parts of this application from Playstore through these links
Part one
Part two
Part four
Reading the book allows us to learn from wherever we are without the need for the internet.
This app is designed in such a beautiful way by Dr. Hussain Umar, and we prepare Quran lessons, Hadith lessons and also Tafsir applications by order. You can reach us on this phone number 251912767238
You can find the next parts of this application from Playstore through these links
Part one
Part two
Part four
Reading the book allows us to learn from wherever we are without the need for the internet.
This app is designed in such a beautiful way by Dr. Hussain Umar, and we prepare Quran lessons, Hadith lessons and also Tafsir applications by order. You can reach us on this phone number 251912767238
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