إنفوفارم Description
The application features
With the largest database of drugs in both Arabic and English in the Middle East, where the database contains more than 16 thousand medicines with the trade name, scientific name, pharmacology, company producing and price type, indications and contraindications.
You can learn alternatives and similarities for each drug.
An easy search method where you can search from the beginning of the name or from anywhere in the name. The research should be by the trade, scientific, or pharmaceutical name, the producing company, the type, or the price.
You can ignore characters you are not sure of with a space, asterisk (*), or percent sign (%) instead of the unknown character or characters.
The application includes an important and distinctive feature, which is the filtering of search results according to the medical form of the category such as (tablets / capsules - syrup - topical paint - injections of all kinds - (spray) - effervescent - vaginal preparations - soaps - ophthalmic medicines - ear medicines - nasal medicines - oral preparations. All kinds - suppositories - powder - inhalation - medical supplies - bags - ....).
With the largest database of drugs in both Arabic and English in the Middle East, where the database contains more than 16 thousand medicines with the trade name, scientific name, pharmacology, company producing and price type, indications and contraindications.
You can learn alternatives and similarities for each drug.
An easy search method where you can search from the beginning of the name or from anywhere in the name. The research should be by the trade, scientific, or pharmaceutical name, the producing company, the type, or the price.
You can ignore characters you are not sure of with a space, asterisk (*), or percent sign (%) instead of the unknown character or characters.
The application includes an important and distinctive feature, which is the filtering of search results according to the medical form of the category such as (tablets / capsules - syrup - topical paint - injections of all kinds - (spray) - effervescent - vaginal preparations - soaps - ophthalmic medicines - ear medicines - nasal medicines - oral preparations. All kinds - suppositories - powder - inhalation - medical supplies - bags - ....).
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