Định vị thửa đất trên bản đồ Description
The Locate Land Plot on Map application helps users easily enter and display land plot locations on Google Maps by:
✔️ Enter VN2000 coordinates manually.
✔️ Scan coordinates from the coordinate list in the red book.
✔️ Download photos containing coordinates from phone gallery.
📍 Main Features:
Displays the location of the land plot on Google Maps with full information about direction, area, and address.
Get directions to the plot of land using Google Maps.
Check the feng shui of the land plot according to the user's year of birth & gender.
Simple interface, easy to use, suitable for real estate buyers and sellers and land owners
✔️ Enter VN2000 coordinates manually.
✔️ Scan coordinates from the coordinate list in the red book.
✔️ Download photos containing coordinates from phone gallery.
📍 Main Features:
Displays the location of the land plot on Google Maps with full information about direction, area, and address.
Get directions to the plot of land using Google Maps.
Check the feng shui of the land plot according to the user's year of birth & gender.
Simple interface, easy to use, suitable for real estate buyers and sellers and land owners
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