বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ওবিশ্বসভ্যতা Description
History and World Civilization of Bangladesh is an elective subject in humanities at the secondary level (Class IX-X). It is important for every citizen of a free country to know the history of his own country. History reflects successive socio-economic, political, geographical and cultural evolution. Therefore, a citizen is able to gain knowledge about the history, ethnicity, culture, tradition and world civilization of his own country only through the study of history. Bangladesh History and World Civilization textbooks have given special consideration to developing non-sectarian citizens with humanitarian sense and the spirit of the liberation war. Therefore, special attention must be paid to this matter. Many people find it difficult to score high marks in this subject. In fact, it is a weakness of the mind. A plus marks can be obtained in this subject with a little attention. History is what happened. So special events of each chapter, dates should be read carefully and underlined. These underlined sentences are less likely to be forgotten just by glancing at them at leisure. It facilitates answering cognitive and perceptual questions. Dear Students, At the beginning of each chapter, the learning outcomes are given. If you read the textbook and master these learning outcomes correctly, you can easily answer questions C and D. However, some careful attention should be paid to writing the answer in the notebook. Because it is possible to get more marks by applying a little trick in arranging the book. One thing that must be taken care of in this case is that there is space around the ledger for margin. But it should never be more than one scale width. Although it is a bit difficult to keep blank on the right side, but if you practice at home, you will gradually master it. The person who starts answering the question should not go to the next question without completing the answers to A, B, C and D. And in the case of answering each question, the question number should be written separately. For example, the answer to question 1 should be underlined and started. After writing this answer, leave at least one inch space and write the answer to B of question 1 and start the comprehension answer. After completing the answer to b, you should start writing the answer to c again leaving a space of one inch. Thus for each answer the same rules must be followed.
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