새록새록 Description
This is an anonymous community where good writing is shared.
Inappropriate posts are sanctioned through user feedback.
You can also see real news.
You can select the news you want by news category and media company.
[Posts by topic]
- Users can create a category (topic) of their choice and post a post.
- You can register up to 5 categories and easily find related articles.
- Categories with many good articles are being counted in real time.
[Post Popularity]
- Likes/dislikes of all users who post posts are counted.
- You can find out which users have written a lot of good articles.
- You can find out which users wrote a lot of bad posts.
- If you do not want to reveal your popularity, you can hide it through the settings.
[Post Sanction Policy]
- There is a like/dislike button on every post.
- User feedback is counted in real time, and posts with a high dislike weight are subject to sanctions.
- Users can block specific users and make all posts by that user invisible.
- Basically, sanctions are carried out through a mechanical process, and administrators can manually impose sanctions on inappropriate posts.
- Users can report inappropriate posts to the administrator.
- The administrator will review the post within 24 hours, and if it is judged that it may cause discomfort to others, the operator may immediately block and sanction the relevant post and user.
Inappropriate posts are sanctioned through user feedback.
You can also see real news.
You can select the news you want by news category and media company.
[Posts by topic]
- Users can create a category (topic) of their choice and post a post.
- You can register up to 5 categories and easily find related articles.
- Categories with many good articles are being counted in real time.
[Post Popularity]
- Likes/dislikes of all users who post posts are counted.
- You can find out which users have written a lot of good articles.
- You can find out which users wrote a lot of bad posts.
- If you do not want to reveal your popularity, you can hide it through the settings.
[Post Sanction Policy]
- There is a like/dislike button on every post.
- User feedback is counted in real time, and posts with a high dislike weight are subject to sanctions.
- Users can block specific users and make all posts by that user invisible.
- Basically, sanctions are carried out through a mechanical process, and administrators can manually impose sanctions on inappropriate posts.
- Users can report inappropriate posts to the administrator.
- The administrator will review the post within 24 hours, and if it is judged that it may cause discomfort to others, the operator may immediately block and sanction the relevant post and user.
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