Watch Our Own Description
We began Watch Our Own because caregivers are the backbone of families and communities and they need tools to support them. Our mission is to provide an affordable integrated solution to help manage and share caregiving activities as well as have peace of mind that loved ones are safe.
How it Works:
Create a Group
Input health information
Vitals, medical conditions, medications, allergies and vaccinations for quick and easy reference
Create a Schedule
Reminders for medications, appointments.
Create a caregiving schedule from Group members
Call for help
From your Group with one touch, or using a voice activated phrase
Secure chat and video
Geo-locator finds your loved one and gets you to them quicker in an emergency
Contact EMS from the app and share important medical information
Share updates
When an incident occurs, in-app chat and calls allow Group members to be more engaged in real-time
Streaming video allows the care recipient or caregiver on hand to stream to the Group
All features are optional. Customize the app to meet the needs of your loved one
How it Works:
Create a Group
Input health information
Vitals, medical conditions, medications, allergies and vaccinations for quick and easy reference
Create a Schedule
Reminders for medications, appointments.
Create a caregiving schedule from Group members
Call for help
From your Group with one touch, or using a voice activated phrase
Secure chat and video
Geo-locator finds your loved one and gets you to them quicker in an emergency
Contact EMS from the app and share important medical information
Share updates
When an incident occurs, in-app chat and calls allow Group members to be more engaged in real-time
Streaming video allows the care recipient or caregiver on hand to stream to the Group
All features are optional. Customize the app to meet the needs of your loved one
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