Status Saver is one of the most famous applications that provide the service of downloading Watts statuses on mobile, as the way this application works is very simple, and most importantly, it is available on the Play Store, the number of its users exceeded one million on Android phones, in addition to the program's simplicity and ease of use and can be downloaded directly from the Play Store, and then the person can publish it on other social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter application and others, and the number of users exceeds 80 million around the world, It is the best application for many people, and when the home page of the WhatsApp Status program is opened, it will show the user all the cases that he has previously run on WhatsApp, and here the cases are divided into two parts, the first section is for pictures that vary between funny, romantic, referee or other images, and the second section is for short videos that do not exceed the duration of any of them only a few seconds, as WhatsApp does not allow downloading long videos on the story, and may be allowed to download them On chat only.
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