eCaderneta - Caderneta eletrón Description
In the digital world we live in, the eCaderneta offers schools and parents an innovative and highly interactive way to inform the routine of children. The eCaderneta is a school electronic book available when, where and how you want. It does everything that a conventional book does and more ...
With eCaderneta parents follow more closely the daily life of children in school. Receive regular updates on attendance, routines, meals, menus, health and wellness, behavior, assessment, report cards, weekly planning, event marking and can exchange messages in real time with the school, with photos, videos and documents.
With eCaderneta parents follow more closely the daily life of children in school. Receive regular updates on attendance, routines, meals, menus, health and wellness, behavior, assessment, report cards, weekly planning, event marking and can exchange messages in real time with the school, with photos, videos and documents.
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