تقویم + اوقات شرعی اهل سنت Description
In the name of Allah, the Merciful
Special thanks and praise to Almighty Allah who gave us the opportunity to prepare this program and everything we have is from Him.
Calendar + Sharia times of Sunnis
Since the times calculated by the algorithms are not accurate and according to users' feedback, sometimes they differ by up to 10 minutes with local times, we decided to add the possibility of editing and sharing times to the previous software, due to technical problems, we had to redesign the previous software.
Your feedback, including criticism, suggestions, and problems, will definitely help us to improve our services.
Features of the program:
🍀Persian calendar + Iranian, world and Sunni official occasions
🍀 Azan Go with the ability to personalize the Azan and volume
Display the date and time of the next call to prayer in the notification bar
🍀Widget to display the date and time of the current day
🍀 Azhar with the ability to search, mark and share
🍀 The possibility of downloading the exact times of the cities whose local times are available on the server (we are also trying to add the remaining cities' times little by little)
🍀 The possibility of editing and uploading (sending) times in case of conflict with local times
🍀 Possibility to change the theme of the program
🍀 Qibla face and...
And finally, for each city, it is enough for one person to send us the exact times once, to benefit from the reward of its current charity forever.
* This program is a development of Persian calendar and you can download its code from https://github.com/Developer-N/CSRPT.
Explanation about the program's source license: GPL3 license almost means that you release the updated program's source to the public at least along with the release and put the link to it in a clear way, almost the same way you got the source in the first place, https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-(gpl-3) Here is a simple explanation in this regard.
And at the end of our prayer, praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
Special thanks and praise to Almighty Allah who gave us the opportunity to prepare this program and everything we have is from Him.
Calendar + Sharia times of Sunnis
Since the times calculated by the algorithms are not accurate and according to users' feedback, sometimes they differ by up to 10 minutes with local times, we decided to add the possibility of editing and sharing times to the previous software, due to technical problems, we had to redesign the previous software.
Your feedback, including criticism, suggestions, and problems, will definitely help us to improve our services.
Features of the program:
🍀Persian calendar + Iranian, world and Sunni official occasions
🍀 Azan Go with the ability to personalize the Azan and volume
Display the date and time of the next call to prayer in the notification bar
🍀Widget to display the date and time of the current day
🍀 Azhar with the ability to search, mark and share
🍀 The possibility of downloading the exact times of the cities whose local times are available on the server (we are also trying to add the remaining cities' times little by little)
🍀 The possibility of editing and uploading (sending) times in case of conflict with local times
🍀 Possibility to change the theme of the program
🍀 Qibla face and...
And finally, for each city, it is enough for one person to send us the exact times once, to benefit from the reward of its current charity forever.
* This program is a development of Persian calendar and you can download its code from https://github.com/Developer-N/CSRPT.
Explanation about the program's source license: GPL3 license almost means that you release the updated program's source to the public at least along with the release and put the link to it in a clear way, almost the same way you got the source in the first place, https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-(gpl-3) Here is a simple explanation in this regard.
And at the end of our prayer, praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
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