Mediaxon Music Player Description
Mediaxon Music Player is a free audio player designed to be fast and easy to use. The main goal of this app for managing music stored on your device is comfortable playlist management. The user always has a clear view of the characteristics of an audio file (for example, which playlist it is in or whether or not it is in the favorites) and can quickly perform all the main functions of a music track. Mediaxon Music Player offers a flexible layout, depending on the type of device and screen orientation. Mediaxon Music Player does not bother the user with intrusive advertisements, such as full-screen advertisements or videos that interrupt the playback of songs. There is only a small fixed banner at the bottom, if the device is in portrait position, or to the right when the device is rotated horizontally. Furthermore, there are and will never be any requests to purchase or rate the app. All the features of Mediaxon Music Player are available for free and always will be.
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