ol' tree +Spectrum Description
I've invented watchface ninja | Vinyl Time System™ back in winter of 2019., I have implemented it on only one watchface since "ORIGINAL" and here it comes again with ol' tree. ol' tree is very unique watchface that means a lot to me, I always sit under the ol' tree to come up with ideas, trees are very special and magical to me, you can learn a lot from an ol' tree. ol' tree watchface shows time and date and day all with a single watch hand that breaks up as needed, it shows month too. It has steps goal broken down into four stages that show each percent of the current goal. Besides data it shows the watchface will stand out of all watchfaces and it's RAD.
- Time [24h jump hour]
- Minutes
- Seconds
- Steps goal [each percent 0-100%]
- Spectrum [30 unique hand picked color palettes]
- Month
- Day of the week [Smallest first ring is Monday, last or biggest ring is Sunday]
- Date [date is shown on small part of marker that breaks off on the ring that shows the day]
watchface ninja
ウォッチフェイス ニンジャ
Created with ♥ by watchface ninja
© watchface ninja
- Time [24h jump hour]
- Minutes
- Seconds
- Steps goal [each percent 0-100%]
- Spectrum [30 unique hand picked color palettes]
- Month
- Day of the week [Smallest first ring is Monday, last or biggest ring is Sunday]
- Date [date is shown on small part of marker that breaks off on the ring that shows the day]
watchface ninja
ウォッチフェイス ニンジャ
Created with ♥ by watchface ninja
© watchface ninja
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