Radio Pregoneros de Cristo Description
The purpose of the radio is to seek the salvation of the listener through the
praise, biblical commentary, and preaching, with different segments
of young people, children, testimonies reading of psalms among many other things
that will be a blessing for your life. This radio belongs to the brother
Andrés Quiroz, a member of the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile, in the
commune of Limache, who with the desire to deliver and make known the
word of God, hoping that the station can be heard in all
Parties, without borders.
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praise, biblical commentary, and preaching, with different segments
of young people, children, testimonies reading of psalms among many other things
that will be a blessing for your life. This radio belongs to the brother
Andrés Quiroz, a member of the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile, in the
commune of Limache, who with the desire to deliver and make known the
word of God, hoping that the station can be heard in all
Parties, without borders.
Tune in.
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