Radio21 Description
radio 21 is an endeavor by Movement 21,
Movement 21 People is a pan India socio-cultural organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act. Simply speaking, Movement21 People is a peoples’ movement of twenty first century to create a society fitting to the twenty first century.
The organisation works on the principle of collective decision making and institutional leadership. With its non-hierarchical and youth friendly work culture, it has strong internal democratic processes. It has members from and thrives on the diversity of all kinds- gender, age, social, cultural, religious, regional, linguistic, professional, etc. It believes in working with people to bring the desirable socio-cultural change.
Movement 21 People is a pan India socio-cultural organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act. Simply speaking, Movement21 People is a peoples’ movement of twenty first century to create a society fitting to the twenty first century.
The organisation works on the principle of collective decision making and institutional leadership. With its non-hierarchical and youth friendly work culture, it has strong internal democratic processes. It has members from and thrives on the diversity of all kinds- gender, age, social, cultural, religious, regional, linguistic, professional, etc. It believes in working with people to bring the desirable socio-cultural change.
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