Sand Cone Test Description
Now you can calculate sand cone test data and save it in second by using the application you can export saved samples in pdf file that contain all given data and calculated data as well in one touch, application support metric and imperical built in converter you can use any as you want , very high accurate to use in site , easy and helpful to share result with consultant with formated exported report pdf you can print it directly from any installed plot , support QR Code no fake result any more with double check on report ,This application is intended to calculate the maximum dry density of soil in site, easy to use application and very helpful built in data in help menu and site, The sand cone test is a widely used field method to determine the in-place density (or unit weight) of soils, particularly for compacted soils in construction projects like roadways, embankments, and foundations. It is a simple and effective way to assess whether the soil has been compacted to the required specifications,The test measures the dry density and moisture content of soil in the field. These values are then compared to the maximum dry density obtained from a laboratory Proctor test to calculate the degree of compaction, which is a critical quality control parameter in construction,Determine the unit weight of the sand by filling the cone apparatus and measuring the weight of the sand,Calculate the volume of the cone and the apparatus,Level the area where the test will be conducted,Place the base plate on the surface and secure it,Dig a small hole (typically 4-6 inches deep) through the hole in the base plate,Collect all the excavated soil and weigh it,Open the valve of the sand cone apparatus and allow the sand to flow into the hole until it is full,Measure the weight of the sand used to fill the hole,Using the known unit weight of the sand, calculate the volume of the hole,Weigh the excavated soil and divide by the volume of the hole to get the wet density,Take a sample of the excavated soil, dry it in an oven, and determine its moisture content,Use the moisture content to convert the wet density to dry density.
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