Vietnam DX Description
- The National Digital Transformation Portal is the official access point of the "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030" and the "E-Government Development Strategy towards the Government". number of the period 2021 - 2025, orientation to 2030".
- 2030 target: Vietnam becomes a digital, stable and prosperous country, pioneering in testing new technologies and models; fundamentally and comprehensively renovate management and administration activities of the Government, production and business activities of enterprises, people's ways of living and working, developing a safe, humane, and wide digital environment. all over.
- Goals of digital transformation:
+ Job profiles at all levels: 90% of work records at ministerial and provincial levels; 80% of work records at the district level and 60% of work records at the commune level are processed on the internet (except for work records that are classified as state secrets).
+ Reporting regime: 100% of the reporting regime, the criteria for synthesizing periodical reports and socio-economic statistical reports in service of the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister are concluded. Connecting, integrating and sharing digital data on the Government Reporting Information System
+ E-Government: Vietnam is in the group of 70 leading countries in e-Government (EGDI).
+ Inspection activities: 50% of inspection activities of state management agencies are carried out through digital environment and management agency's information system.
+ National database: 100% national databases create the foundation for e-Government development including national databases on Population, Land, Business Registration, Finance, Security Insurance is completed and connected and shared across the country; step by step open the data of state agencies to provide timely public services, once declared, for the whole life of serving the people and for socio-economic development
- 2030 target: Vietnam becomes a digital, stable and prosperous country, pioneering in testing new technologies and models; fundamentally and comprehensively renovate management and administration activities of the Government, production and business activities of enterprises, people's ways of living and working, developing a safe, humane, and wide digital environment. all over.
- Goals of digital transformation:
+ Job profiles at all levels: 90% of work records at ministerial and provincial levels; 80% of work records at the district level and 60% of work records at the commune level are processed on the internet (except for work records that are classified as state secrets).
+ Reporting regime: 100% of the reporting regime, the criteria for synthesizing periodical reports and socio-economic statistical reports in service of the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister are concluded. Connecting, integrating and sharing digital data on the Government Reporting Information System
+ E-Government: Vietnam is in the group of 70 leading countries in e-Government (EGDI).
+ Inspection activities: 50% of inspection activities of state management agencies are carried out through digital environment and management agency's information system.
+ National database: 100% national databases create the foundation for e-Government development including national databases on Population, Land, Business Registration, Finance, Security Insurance is completed and connected and shared across the country; step by step open the data of state agencies to provide timely public services, once declared, for the whole life of serving the people and for socio-economic development
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