Weather Plus - Live Weather Description
The weather app show real-time and current weather in every minutes at any time.
Below is what this app contains.
- Description about current weather.
- Current temperature.
- Humidity of current weather.
- Cloudness condition of sky.
- Wind speed of current time.
- Fells like temperature.
- Pressure of any local city or country.
- Latitude of current place.
- Longitude of current place.
- Sunrise time.
- Sunset time etc.
So, Install this app to know the current weather of any local city or country.
Below is what this app contains.
- Description about current weather.
- Current temperature.
- Humidity of current weather.
- Cloudness condition of sky.
- Wind speed of current time.
- Fells like temperature.
- Pressure of any local city or country.
- Latitude of current place.
- Longitude of current place.
- Sunrise time.
- Sunset time etc.
So, Install this app to know the current weather of any local city or country.
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