Yahrzeit Tracker Description
Keep track of Yahrzeit dates for your loved ones and for Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Passover, and Shavuot.
To keep track of Yahrzeit dates for loved ones who have passed, add a new entry and complete the profile with their name, photo, date of passing, and whether they passed before or after nightfall. This will calculate the corresponding Hebrew date and will calculate future Yahrzeit dates.
The home screen allows you to see all upcoming Yahrzeit dates with the next Yahrzeit date at the top of the list.
To keep track of Yahrzeit dates for loved ones who have passed, add a new entry and complete the profile with their name, photo, date of passing, and whether they passed before or after nightfall. This will calculate the corresponding Hebrew date and will calculate future Yahrzeit dates.
The home screen allows you to see all upcoming Yahrzeit dates with the next Yahrzeit date at the top of the list.
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