자녀 양육비 계산기

An app that automatically calculates child support according to the child support calculation standard published by the Seoul Family Court
Hyunseung Lee

تنزيل 자녀 양육비 계산기 APK

الإصدار 3
تحديث 2023-11-26
الفئة الأدوات
اسم الحزمة app.web.child_support_expanse.twa
عمليات التثبيت 5+

لمحة عن 자녀 양육비 계산기

This app is a program that calculates child support by entering the child's age and parents' income according to the "Child Support Calculation Standard Table" (Seoul Family Court). When parents divorce or have a child out of wedlock, it shows the amount of child support shared between the parent who does not directly raise the child and the parent who directly raises the child. However, in reality, the family court determines the total amount of child support by considering additional or subtracted factors (parents' financial situation, child's residential area, number of children, high medical expenses, high educational expenses, personal rehabilitation of the non-custodian, etc.). Therefore, please use the child support calculated through this app as a reference.

Even if parents have no current income, they must pay a minimum child support of 300,000 won per month (Seoul Family Court).

Standard child support refers to the average child support per child in a family of four (based on two children).

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نعم، يمكنك تشغيل 자녀 양육비 계산기 على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك عن طريق تثبيت محاكي اندرويد - LDPlayer. بعد تثبيت LDPlayer، ما عليك سوى سحب ملف APK الذي تم تنزيله وإسقاطه في المحاكي لبدء تشغيل 자녀 양육비 계산기 على جهاز الكمبيوتر. بدلا من ذلك، يمكنك فتح المحاكي، والبحث عن اللعبة أو التطبيق الذي تريد تشغيله في متجر بلاي مضمن في LDPlayer، وتثبيته من هناك.