ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف

Let's join the adventurous journey with Ertugul ghazi who is the real war hero!
RockRex Games

تنزيل ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف APK

تقييم 4
الفئة مغامرات
اسم الحزمة com.rrg.ertugrulgazi.game.riseof.ottoman.empire.games
عمليات التثبيت 100+

لمحة عن ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف

Ertugrul Ghazi: who Is the real Turkish historical hero and founder of the great Ottoman caliphate. Fighters like Ertugrul Ghazi are rare in the history of mankind. Ertugrul was the father of Usman and he was the son of Suleyman Shah, the leader of the Kayi tribe of Oghuz Turks. After the death of his father Suleiman Shah. Ertugrul Ghazi became the chief of the QAI tribe. AS the Mongol invasion approached Ertugrul defeated Noyan, whos was the brave and great Mongol army leader. Fighters like Ertugrul Ghazi are rare in history. Ertugrul Gazi is an epic adventure game.
Are you ready to join the adventurous journey with Ertugul ghazi who is the real war hero?
Do you love to play action-adventure open-world games for free?
If yes then occupied the stronghold fort of a crusader with the great ottomans armies. rebuild your army base to win empire wars and empire battle against Mongols. combat with blade, armored, sword, and archery to win the clear conquest in battlegrounds.
Make an offline strategy under the command of ertuğrul bey with the collaboration of the sultan army against enemies. Win the battle and occupied the realistic stronghold of enemies.
whats new in this army war game:
Ride on the horse, use your archery skill, take down enemies with an arrow from long-range, swim in the water to conquer the fort. Do a lot of thrilling stealth assassin missions like a ninja. climb on the wall of the fort. amazing action-based sword fight

Ertuğrul Gaziyi with his sharpest sword fighting skill, best bow, strongest shield, and his most strong helmet
make him an undefeated hero.

Best sword fighting games
Ertugrul bey the best warrior and sword fighter
Sword fighting missions
Best fighting games 2022
Realistic 3d environment with HD graphics

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تعليقات عن ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف للاندرويد

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ما الذي تمت إضافته في التحديث الجديد؟ هل تمت إضافة اللغة العربية؟

ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف APK FAQ

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نعم، يتبع ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف إرشادات محتوى جوجل بلاي لضمان الاستخدام الآمن على جهاز اندرويد الخاص بك.

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هل يمكنني تشغيل ارطغرل غازي 21: ألعاب السيف على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي؟

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