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Rezensionen zu Unblock Car : Parking puzzle für Android
This is a super fun game with many levels and thousands of challenges. It is the perfect difficulty for me so that I don’t get bored but at the same time don’t get frustrated. Yes, it does have ads, but you can exit them which is good and they’re mostly on the side. The reason that this app is 4+ as it is confusing for some people is that it’s not really about age, but rather brain power. A very smart 4 year old could do it using the hints that are always available for no cost and with no ad, but this is probably for intellectual 7-11 year olds and then youth and adult. Because of the different levels, nearly anyone can do it.My suggestion is that the move counter, which is great because it adds even more to the game (trying to do the least possible moves which gives new levels of difficulty), instead of counting like 1 move = a vehicle moves as far as it wants without stopping, it would be great if it counted like 1 move = every square that the vehicle moves. This way, you wouldn’t feel cheated if you move your vehicle one square, pause, and move another, getting twice the moves. I don’t think this is supposed to be the goal or strategy of this game. I hope that you will reply t
We had a real version of this years ago and loved it! The virtual version is so much better since you don't have to worry about losing those little cars! While this can be challenging at first, you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. Fun and challenging! My only complaint is that it is really hard to see the white checkmarks on the gray background for levels you have completed. It would be nice if the app would open directly onto your next puzzle and if the contrast for the completed levels and checkmarks was better.
This is a super fun game with many levels and thousands of challenges. It is the perfect difficulty for me so that I don’t get bored but at the same time don’t get frustrated. Yes, it does have ads, but you can exit them which is good and they’re mostly on the side. The reason that this app is 4+ as it is confusing for some people is that it’s not really about age, but rather brain power. A very smart 4 year old could do it using the hints that are always available for no cost and with no ad, but this is probably for intellectual 7-11 year olds and then youth and adult. Because of the different levels, nearly anyone can do it.My suggestion is that the move counter, which is great because it adds even more to the game (trying to do the least possible moves which gives new levels of difficulty), instead of counting like 1 move = a vehicle moves as far as it wants without stopping, it would be great if it counted like 1 move = every square that the vehicle moves. This way, you wouldn’t feel cheated if you move your vehicle one square, pause, and move another, getting twice the moves. I don’t think this is supposed to be the goal or strategy of this game. I hope that you will reply t
Unblock Car : Parking puzzle APK-FAQ
Ist Unblock Car : Parking puzzle für mein Gerät sicher?
Ja, Unblock Car : Parking puzzle befolgt die Inhaltsrichtlinien von Google Play, um eine sichere Nutzung auf Ihrem Android-Gerät zu gewährleisten.
Was ist eine XAPK-Datei und was soll ich tun, wenn die heruntergeladene Unblock Car : Parking puzzle-Datei eine XAPK-Datei ist?
XAPK ist ein Dateierweiterungsformat, das sowohl eine eigenständige APK-Datei als auch andere Daten enthält (z. B. zusätzliche Ressourcendateien in großen Spielen). Der Zweck einer XAPK-Datei besteht darin, es zu ermöglichen, die Daten einer Anwendung vor der Installation getrennt zu speichern, um große Anwendungen effizienter zu verwalten und zu übertragen. XAPK kann dazu beitragen, die Größe des initialen Installationspakets einer Anwendung zu reduzieren.
Auf dem Smartphone muss der Benutzer normalerweise zuerst eine XAPK-Installationsanwendung installieren und dann die XAPK-Datei durch diese Anwendung installieren. Die entsprechende Anwendung finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://apkcombo.com/de/how-to-install/ . Auf dem Computer können Sie die Datei einfach in den LDPlayer Android-Emulator ziehen.
Kann ich Unblock Car : Parking puzzle auf meinem Computer spielen?
Ja, Sie können Unblock Car : Parking puzzle auf Ihrem Computer abspielen, indem Sie einen Android-Emulator installieren – LDPlayer. Nach der Installation von LDPlayer ziehen Sie einfach die heruntergeladene APK-Datei per Drag & Drop in den Emulator, um mit der Wiedergabe von Unblock Car : Parking puzzle auf dem PC zu beginnen. Alternativ können Sie den Emulator öffnen, im in LDPlayer integrierten Play Store nach dem Spiel oder der App suchen, die Sie spielen möchten, und es von dort aus installieren.
Rezensionen zu Unblock Car : Parking puzzle für Android