Power Wash Sim: Car Wash Games

Power Wash Simulator! In water gun try power washing clean simulator & Car Wash.
Error Games Studio

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Tipo Juegos de rol
Nombre del paquete com.egs.power.wash.simulator.car.wash.games
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Introducción a Power Wash Sim: Car Wash Games

Deep cleaning with water gun power simulator in power wash simulator cleaning game.
We welcome you to our real power wash simulator game which is best among all other cleaning water games
as you played many power washer cleaning game before this but now we have came up with different ideas where you have to see
a character having a best power water gun in his hand for cleaning house car and many dirty objects.
As a user you have to do many different task includes cleaning entire house floor, walls, sofa and dirty objects with background relaxing music in our power wash offline game.
You may have played many power washing offline game but our power wash simulator game is totally different as their as we added a character having a powerful water gun in his hand.
As you passing the different levels of our power wash simulator offline game you can change the appearance of the character, in appearance you have plenty of options of different dress, shoes, glasses and cap and u can also change their different colors.
Part of our power wash cleaning 3D game are similar to car wash game as it is also includes car wash different levels, in our house cleaning game you have to clean the whole house walls and floor and all the dirty things in the house.
You can chose your own pressure water gun and u can also change different size nozzle in our power wash simulator offline game .if the area to be cleaned is large then you can open and use large size nozzle and it can be used to clean easily in our power wash game if you want to play new free cleaning game and have fun with mobile car wash then play our real power wash simulator game. When you have to cleaning just use the cleaning water gun on the dirty objects because the water pressure is very high so you have to clean the objects with care, we have added the best water sound to make the game play more enjoyable and we also have added background music which is very stress relaxing.
in our power wash simulator game you will get a coins as a reward after completing the task u can unlock the power water gun and also character different more colorful dress, shoes, caps and also glasses, once you play our power wash offline game the controls and game play will give you a lot of fun.
Our power washing simulator game gives you features like different power water gun with different size and also have realistic environment and high levels graphics and very smooth controls ,it is very user friendly offline game you will definitely enjoy it,this power wash simulator game is free and offline game,
The aim of this cleaning game is to clean the dirty object house and car and you see u can skip the different levels as you wash the car and house
Free download now our power wash simulator game and enjoy it with power wash simulator

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¿Puedo jugar Power Wash Sim: Car Wash Games en mi PC?

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Sí, puedes hacerlo instalando LDPlayer, un emulador de Android en tu computadora. Después, simplemente arrastra el archivo APK que has descargado dentro del emulador en funcionamiento para comenzar a Jugar Power Wash Sim: Car Wash Games en PC abrir el emulador, buscar el juego o la aplicación que deseas jugar e instalarla desde allí.
