7par7 Description
Welcome to the 7par7 game.
With 21 letters and jokers will you be able to cross words on a 7by7 grid in order to make the highest possible score?
For this, you play by choosing a nickname, this nickname is in competition with all the other nicknames. Every day at noon a new challenge is launched with twenty-one letters or jokers and a 7 by 7 grid, some squares of which are enhanced.
Use the letters to cross words on the grid. Your score is constantly updated, it takes into account all the words you have encountered. The letters have a value, the colored boxes have an effect on the value of the words. Bonuses are awarded for 7-letter words. A progressive bonus takes into account the number of words on the grid, etc.
Wildcards can become letters that are worth more or less points. They can also be used to give more value to a square in the grid.
You can play starting from the empty grid, but you can also start from the solutions proposed by the other nicknames to try to improve them.
A nickname appears only once on the list with its best score. Solutions that have the same words and score as a top solution do not enter the top list.
To your grids and good thinking!
With 21 letters and jokers will you be able to cross words on a 7by7 grid in order to make the highest possible score?
For this, you play by choosing a nickname, this nickname is in competition with all the other nicknames. Every day at noon a new challenge is launched with twenty-one letters or jokers and a 7 by 7 grid, some squares of which are enhanced.
Use the letters to cross words on the grid. Your score is constantly updated, it takes into account all the words you have encountered. The letters have a value, the colored boxes have an effect on the value of the words. Bonuses are awarded for 7-letter words. A progressive bonus takes into account the number of words on the grid, etc.
Wildcards can become letters that are worth more or less points. They can also be used to give more value to a square in the grid.
You can play starting from the empty grid, but you can also start from the solutions proposed by the other nicknames to try to improve them.
A nickname appears only once on the list with its best score. Solutions that have the same words and score as a top solution do not enter the top list.
To your grids and good thinking!
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