AlphaBeatCancer Description
Beaba Cancer.
The oncologic environment is full of outdoor world and new experiences, and some of them you can explore the minigames of Beaba Cancer.
Help the nurse, kill bleeding, follow the physiotherapist, do biopsies and have good health!
Each completed phase you win new terms explaining in a clear, objective and optimistically about cancer and its treatment.
Download, play and help demystify.
An application created by creative, developers, health professionals and, most importantly, patients.
A partnership Virtual Mkt, Mukutu and Institute Beaba.
Project awarded tender resources INOVApps 2015 Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications.
The oncologic environment is full of outdoor world and new experiences, and some of them you can explore the minigames of Beaba Cancer.
Help the nurse, kill bleeding, follow the physiotherapist, do biopsies and have good health!
Each completed phase you win new terms explaining in a clear, objective and optimistically about cancer and its treatment.
Download, play and help demystify.
An application created by creative, developers, health professionals and, most importantly, patients.
A partnership Virtual Mkt, Mukutu and Institute Beaba.
Project awarded tender resources INOVApps 2015 Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications.
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