Astronomy Quiz Multiplayer Description
What do you know about astronomy? Test your astronomy skills with our astronomy and space-related quizzes. No need to wait — you'll learn the correct answer right away. You like the most and go ahead. Don't forget to share the result with your friends! By the way, any quiz can be taken several times until you answer all the questions correctly.
Who doesn't like to look up at the night sky and find the familiar constellation of Orion, or determine true north by the Pole Star? Who didn't get at least a little involved in the total-solar-eclipse craze of 2016? Humans have always felt a connection to the skies and the objects in it. Early on, we considered the sun and moon to be gods. Later, civilizations like the Greeks and the Chinese invented a system of fortune-telling involving the patterns of the stars. Today, our guides to understanding the universe include astrophysicist and science educator Neil DE Grasse Tyson, who revived the popular show "Cosmos" in 2014.
Maybe science, in general, wasn't your thing in school. Even so, we're willing to bet that you picked up a bit of astronomy knowledge along the way. You might know, for example, where in our solar system the dwarf planet Ceres is located. Or which planet's moon are named after the lovers of the great god Zeus (well, Zeus in the Greek; to give you his Roman name would be too great a giveaway). See? Did the answers leap to mind? If not, you'll find them out within our quiz.
So, settle down with a few astronomy-themed snacks and test your astronomy knowledge with our quiz.
Who doesn't like to look up at the night sky and find the familiar constellation of Orion, or determine true north by the Pole Star? Who didn't get at least a little involved in the total-solar-eclipse craze of 2016? Humans have always felt a connection to the skies and the objects in it. Early on, we considered the sun and moon to be gods. Later, civilizations like the Greeks and the Chinese invented a system of fortune-telling involving the patterns of the stars. Today, our guides to understanding the universe include astrophysicist and science educator Neil DE Grasse Tyson, who revived the popular show "Cosmos" in 2014.
Maybe science, in general, wasn't your thing in school. Even so, we're willing to bet that you picked up a bit of astronomy knowledge along the way. You might know, for example, where in our solar system the dwarf planet Ceres is located. Or which planet's moon are named after the lovers of the great god Zeus (well, Zeus in the Greek; to give you his Roman name would be too great a giveaway). See? Did the answers leap to mind? If not, you'll find them out within our quiz.
So, settle down with a few astronomy-themed snacks and test your astronomy knowledge with our quiz.
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