Cheexit Description
Cheexit Rules
Play two game modes. Classic Mode and Limited Time Mode. Play classic mode or race against time.
In 6 languages (Turkish , English , Deutsch , Spanish , French , Português ).
Cheexit is a game that inspired by chess. Like chess, there are 8x8, 64 squares.
Cheexit has a map system. Every map has 8x8, 64 squares.
At the beginning , players have three option to choose a piece. Knight, bishop and rook. The player must find a way to get the finish(exit) square with using safe ways.
Safe squares are the squares that are not being attacked. Safe squares includes safe ways , lots of maps include more then one safe ways.
Knight attacks to squares like (L), bishop attacks to square like (X)and rook attacks to square like (+). As in chess.
Lots of maps include the safety way for knight, bishop and rook.
The way could being attacked because of the opposite color pieces.
There could also be a barrier in the squares. They actually do nothing , just wait and attack nowhere.But you can not jump over them -except knight-or capture them.
Play two game modes. Classic Mode and Limited Time Mode. Play classic mode or race against time.
In 6 languages (Turkish , English , Deutsch , Spanish , French , Português ).
Cheexit is a game that inspired by chess. Like chess, there are 8x8, 64 squares.
Cheexit has a map system. Every map has 8x8, 64 squares.
At the beginning , players have three option to choose a piece. Knight, bishop and rook. The player must find a way to get the finish(exit) square with using safe ways.
Safe squares are the squares that are not being attacked. Safe squares includes safe ways , lots of maps include more then one safe ways.
Knight attacks to squares like (L), bishop attacks to square like (X)and rook attacks to square like (+). As in chess.
Lots of maps include the safety way for knight, bishop and rook.
The way could being attacked because of the opposite color pieces.
There could also be a barrier in the squares. They actually do nothing , just wait and attack nowhere.But you can not jump over them -except knight-or capture them.
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