탄막메이커 Description
-Map creation method and game operation method are shown in the help window of the game, so please read it before starting the game.
-You can create various maps by modifying the enemy's movement path, the type of bullets you shoot, etc. You can upload this map to the server and share it with others.
-You can download and edit or play other people's maps from the map download window.
-If there is an error in the game or a problem with the ad window covering the contents of the game screen, please contact us at ray12031203@gmail.com by entering the description of the situation, what kind of problem it is, and the type of mobile phone.
-You can create various maps by modifying the enemy's movement path, the type of bullets you shoot, etc. You can upload this map to the server and share it with others.
-You can download and edit or play other people's maps from the map download window.
-If there is an error in the game or a problem with the ad window covering the contents of the game screen, please contact us at ray12031203@gmail.com by entering the description of the situation, what kind of problem it is, and the type of mobile phone.
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