Lato lato - Tek Tek Simulator Description
The game Latto-latto or tek tek is very viral with lots of devotees, children who play when they are on vacation. many children have bumps on their heads from being hit by these latto balls or tek tek. Play the traditional game of Lato Lato Toy Simulator on your phone.
How to play :
- Download this tek tek or latto latto game in the playstore
- Open the game
- Press "Start" to play
- Hold the tek tek handle then swing up / down / side
- When the ball collides that's the second you get the score
- Look in the home menu for your ranking
- Take all gifts
How to play :
- Download this tek tek or latto latto game in the playstore
- Open the game
- Press "Start" to play
- Hold the tek tek handle then swing up / down / side
- When the ball collides that's the second you get the score
- Look in the home menu for your ranking
- Take all gifts
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