Gong Renteng Description
Cirebon gong renteng, is a set of musical instruments consisting of bonang and others which are used for religious preaching purposes in Cirebon, several names of gong renteng originating from the Cirebon area include Ki Muntili, Mega Mendung, si Kangkung, si Banjir, Pangkur guest, Bale Bandung, si Dingklik, Buntel corpse and Ki Gamel and Ki greatut Bulak (which is kept in Indramayu). Similar musical instruments are also found in Sumedang and Kuningan districts.
Cirebon gong renteng, is a set of musical instruments consisting of bonang and others which are used for religious preaching purposes in Cirebon, several names of gong renteng originating from the Cirebon area include Ki Muntili, Mega Mendung, si Kangkung, si Banjir, Pangkur guest , Bale Bandung, si Dingklik, Buntel mayit, Ki Gamel and Ki Buyut Bulak (which is kept in Indramayu). Similar musical instruments are also found in Sumedang and Kuningan.
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