Hangi ülkenin para birimi? Description
How much do you know the currencies? Do you know which country's currency? Where are you money?
Test yourself, have fun and learn!
How to play?
A picture represents a country, region or continent. Guess where the currency in the picture is the official currency. Find the correct letters among the mixed letters under the picture. Click in the correct order. If you make a mistake in the order, click the last letter you clicked again and it will come back. If you have no guesswork, use hint. You can skip the question by getting letters, removing all wrong letters, or printing the correct currency.
Today, even if our own country's currency, our rate of use of fiat money has decreased. It must have been effective in the increase in the rate of registered money usage. Here is a good game for that Which country's currency?
Which country's currency? If you like the game, you can try our other games.
Which country's currency? We hope you share your views about the game with us.
Which country's currency has been developed by Piremir and all rights are reserved.
Test yourself, have fun and learn!
How to play?
A picture represents a country, region or continent. Guess where the currency in the picture is the official currency. Find the correct letters among the mixed letters under the picture. Click in the correct order. If you make a mistake in the order, click the last letter you clicked again and it will come back. If you have no guesswork, use hint. You can skip the question by getting letters, removing all wrong letters, or printing the correct currency.
Today, even if our own country's currency, our rate of use of fiat money has decreased. It must have been effective in the increase in the rate of registered money usage. Here is a good game for that Which country's currency?
Which country's currency? If you like the game, you can try our other games.
Which country's currency? We hope you share your views about the game with us.
Which country's currency has been developed by Piremir and all rights are reserved.
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