Memovely Description
This application is designed for memory training. On the game field, cards with images that need to be memorized are displayed. Five seconds after the start of the game, the cards are flipped over, and the player's task is to find two identical cards. Points are awarded for each pair found. The more pairs the player opens in a row, the more points will be awarded. After each completed game, the results are summarized: the number of points and the time spent. The top five records can be viewed by clicking the "Records" button on the main screen of the application.
The game offers several levels of difficulty and sets of images for the cards, which the player can choose independently in the application settings.
When developing the game, images from the site were used
The game offers several levels of difficulty and sets of images for the cards, which the player can choose independently in the application settings.
When developing the game, images from the site were used
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