TurkG Description
TurkG oyunu, Türkiye'nin yerli ve milli oyunudur. Özgür Aysu tarafından tasarlanan bu oyun ücretsiz olarak aynı anda 20 kişinin oynayabileceği şekilde tasarlanmıştır. kapasitemiz talebe bağlı oranla artacaktır. oyunun amacı silahlı savaştır.
The TurkG game is Turkey's indigenous and national game. Designed by Özgür Aysu, this game is designed to be played by up to 20 people simultaneously for free. Our capacity will increase in proportion to demand. The goal of the game is armed warfare.
The TurkG game is Turkey's indigenous and national game. Designed by Özgür Aysu, this game is designed to be played by up to 20 people simultaneously for free. Our capacity will increase in proportion to demand. The goal of the game is armed warfare.
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