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Baby Watch Plus Android版に関するレビュー
This app is terrible. It freezes all the time and takes a long time to reload. I feel like I am constantly hitting the play button. I even went to the extent of upgrading my wifi modem just to test that it wasn't my network. No improvement. I've been persisting with this camera and app for 18 months now. These cameras are too expensive for you to just try another brand. Severely disappointed.
Being on a high speed network, both local and internet, the connection to camera is incredibly slow - 50kb/s. The live view refreshes with a big delay if at all.. The preview does not update at all when in PTZ. I think I'll stay with the dedicated monitor, which is not that great either.
Your recent update sucks, it keeps freezing and shutting down.
Baby Watch Plus Android版に関するレビュー