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Chalk Writing Soundsを実行してお楽しみください
Chalk Writing Sounds Android版に関するレビュー
it's just what it says, a chalkboard. I just wish the interface was a little bit more intuitive. that and when I pull up the chalk tray, eraser, whatever I'm trying to use, that it would actually fit on my screen (which is saying something coming from a Note9 user). would rate 5 stars if the above issues were addressed
it's just what it says, a chalkboard. I just wish the interface was a little bit more intuitive. that and when I pull up the chalk tray, eraser, whatever I'm trying to use, that it would actually fit on my screen (which is saying something coming from a Note9 user). would rate 5 stars if the above issues were addressed
This app has vast audio collection of chalk writing sounds. i can make them my notifications tone also this app is amazing with no internet connection needed
Chalk Writing Sounds Android版に関するレビュー