あなたも日本史のクイズに挑戦してみませんか? ちょっとした空き時間にできる日本史のクイズアプリです。
・各パート 10問
・制限時間 1問につき30秒
Would you like to take a history quiz on Japan? This is a quiz app of Japanese history that you can do in your spare time. You can find many things that seem to be known but not known in this quiz app. Let's challenge even while preparing for your exam.
・10 questions per each part
・Time limit 30 seconds per question
・各パート 10問
・制限時間 1問につき30秒
Would you like to take a history quiz on Japan? This is a quiz app of Japanese history that you can do in your spare time. You can find many things that seem to be known but not known in this quiz app. Let's challenge even while preparing for your exam.
・10 questions per each part
・Time limit 30 seconds per question