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Play StoreからFlickr Saverをダウンロードできます
Flickr Saverを実行してお楽しみください
Flickr Saver Android版に関するレビュー
What a program. This app works exactly like it should. I can download an entire stream easy. The only thing to make it better is being able to see the photos and download photos by choice. Also being able to save it under the username not just saying Original. Anyway if you want some a cool app, you need this! Pro is better by the way!
actually worked, I managed to download the entirety of an artists' works, including their videos, in the highest available free resolution, for FREE. I don't usually rate apps: this is an exception. les goooooo
Doesn't work. Won't download anything. Requires you to verify your account, but just goes through and endless loop of requiring you to log on and verify your account. A loop, like from start to finish and back to start again, and again, and again. A loop.
Flickr Saver Android版に関するレビュー