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芝麻來電 Android版に関するレビュー
之前未有手動轉語言 而家有返 thanks a lot
This app is far too binary and doesn't give enuf ability to customise to make it useful. It's highly effective at blocking, to the point that it even blocks incoming WhatsApp calls from legitimate contacts. It can't even see that they're coming from your contact list and shows WhatsApp calls in the call log as blocked due to Incoming call with no caller ID. Which is so annoying as I see perfectly who called me on WhatsApp, so Jima just can't identify it. Missed so many calls. Uninstalling.
It used to work well but since I updated the app some time ago, it intercepts all calls including all whatsapp call from my contact list. I didn't even know people called. I am using a HTC U12+ device. Pls tell me how I can fix/setup properly to remove the problem. Thx.
芝麻來電 Android版に関するレビュー