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Beat Herobrine Android版に関するレビュー
This game much cooler then i ever thought (a few crashes) also add more weapons like a bow and a Netherite sword also a Armor for herobrine also add helmet and a chestplate and a leggings and boots And change background of the game which is nether and the nether is just at the right side and the end is at the left side also slime is a mob add the mob
I'm nine and I like blood could you add more weapons like guns and stuff and a setting that changes the blood to red bc I dont like the skin color blood and the blue blood and add more backgrounds please and I'll upgrade this review to 5 stars
The gameplay and game is overall amazing and a bit boring but i think that to make the game better is to add modes,add more weapons, and add more backgrounds ill give five stars if you add these and This game is great i will highly recomend playing it
Beat Herobrine Android版に関するレビュー