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Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティングを実行してお楽しみください
Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティング Android版に関するレビュー
Lot of bugs. In main menu, sometimes options glitches. Even uf you select a particular mode, the game will que into all modes. There's a cash ad section , even if you tick "do not show this again", it keeps showing up. In game, there are lovations where you get stuck, but still you will be able to shoot enemies and they will have no idea where ur shooting from. Auto shooting does not work properly with melee weapon. Until these issues are fixed, it's not worth spending money to disable ads.
It's a great game very smooth and very fun. Only problem is that everything is locked behind a pay wall. You can't make other classes, Make a clan, can't even unlock other guns without paying. Pretty much everything that is fun you can't do having to watch videos for in game currency. It's kinda ridiculous and won't make for long lasting players if you can't even unlock things without basically paying for it. I don't see this game having a lot of players if something doesn't change.
Dear Devs, I want you to know that this game was very impressive in first gameplay but after playing a second match with my custom hub idk what went wrong the control were started to changing on its own. I wanted to make some videos about this new game but these problems keep happening, I'm using redmi note 10 pro. I want to make some montage type of edit and normal gameplays, please fix this so I can play this game well. 3 star because of that problem I'll change it just fix the problem ty🙏.
Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティング APKのよくある質問
Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティングは自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティングはGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
Bit Gun FPS: オンラインシューティング Android版に関するレビュー