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Black Queen - Kali Ki Rani Android版に関するレビュー
Need bug fixes and better gameplay. But overall, worth a game to download and have fun. The developer is humble and responsive too to every feedbacks. Hope to see the changes and make it worth the rating.
Conceptual good game but following are some of bugs that need to be fix in update:- 1. Remove add which are coming frequently 2. Not able to edit name due to which confusion arises 3.while playing in 2 cats, there is no option to select partner with 2nd card.e.g if I am having one 'black Ace' and I want that my partner should be the person who is having 2nd 'black Ace' is not possible here. 4. Stupid concept of person who enters 1st highest card is winner.
Game play is ok, voice chat willl be a good feature that can add loads of value to the game. Changes suggested When playing with more than one deck 1. Bid winner should not be able to select a card they have as their partner (if I have queen of spade, i should not be able to select queen of spade as partner) 2. Bid winner should not be able to select the same card as their partner ( like 2 queen of spade, 2 ace of spade)
Black Queen - Kali Ki Rani APKのよくある質問
Black Queen - Kali Ki Raniは自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Black Queen - Kali Ki RaniはGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
XAPKファイルとは何ですか?Black Queen - Kali Ki RaniをダウンロードしたファイルがXAPKファイルの場合はどうすればよいですか?
LDPlayerなどのAndroidエミュレーターをコンピュータにインストールして、ダウンロードしたAPKファイルをエミュレーター内にドラッグして実行することで、Black Queen - Kali Ki Raniをパソコンでプレイことができます。また、エミュレーターを開いて、プレイしたいゲームやアプリを検索してインストールすることもできます。
Black Queen - Kali Ki Rani Android版に関するレビュー