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ユーロファームシミュレータ3D Android版に関するレビュー
I'm very frustrated that the fact that when it turns night time there's no lights for you to see to do your farming why did they make the game without lights on the tractor for it's really stupid that's what kills a good game things like that it's too bad cuz it could be a good game if you had proper lighting I suggest you make that change because I think I'm just going to find something else it's a good game but it's not good when you can't see what you're doing
I love the design of the combine harvester this game has super great potential you what would make the game even greater if you add a store where you can buy in game different models of Harvesters and tractors in different equipment this game and make then this game really get fun and and buy different equipment and different brands and designs and that's my suggestion make different farm maps that's my suggestion
This game was really fun and felt like it was pretty much all real
ユーロファームシミュレータ3D Android版に関するレビュー